
Showing posts from November, 2017

Country Music and Suicide

One could look at country music and not understand the correlation between this genre and suicide. But when one looks deeper into the themes that arise within the songs, the constant theme of alcohol consumption, gun usage, divorce, difficult life situations, etc. A common use of divorce is displayed throughout various song lyrics performed by artists. Music is highly known as affecting peoples psychological moods, in which extends the audience to a greater amount of people. Music is seen as a way of letting people relate to the lyrics sung by the artist. Country's subculture goes a long way of common themes. The audience geared towards this specific genre is statistically known to be urban white communities. Although other people might enjoy this music, a specific audience could break down to be the divorced population. With this being said and so zoomed in on, is because the rates are so high and not really statistics one would look at to be increasing so much. Looking at the lyr

Collaboration in Hospitals, I think so

(This is my makeup blog post from Nov. 2)  Last weekend a situation occurred where I resulted in the hospital. Due to this, I learned a lot from my time being there. Not only do I now know EVERYTHING about medical terms and medicine but I am more aware of the standings the workers have in their office space. You never really put in perspective how hard working each member of the hospital is and with how much hospitality they treat you.  As I was sitting there for the various days, it was presented to my attention that I noticed the slight bit of collaboration used within the work space. For example, I had a nurse with me at all times and if a problem rose with me, she reported to the internal doctor team in order to get the correct medical attention I needed. You never really think about how in everyday life, one is able to see the use of collaboration. Even if it is for tiny situations, it can affect a situation in such a positive way. It is a sense of coming together to make any