Your Favorite Song On The Radio....

Picture this: you and your friends are kicking it back in the car, taking a long road trip to a destination while listening to the radio. Your favorite song "Wild Thoughts" by DJ Khaled and Rihanna comes on, and you all start belting out the lyrics. Your initial thought it that this song is your new favorite song, but you feel as if you heard it before. What does this even mean...? 

In the song "Wild Thoughts" by DJ Khaled ft. Rihanna, one is able to distinguish the beat throughout the song, as well as background song. If you listen closely to the chorus, as well as the whole song the background song is "Maria Maria" by Santana. Yes, of course now when you go to listen to it, all you will hear is the original Santana song. 

When dealing with the idea of copyrights, it can be seen in various styles. In writing, art, movement, etc.. but we are focusing on music. In class, we were asked to watch RiP!: A Remix Manifesto, which focused on the development of copyrights and how it can affect people everywhere. 

Although DJ Khaled got copyrights to use chords from "Maria Maria" , it allows one to see the use of collaboration from an older generation song to POP music today. The question "Is music today, original or do people just sit here and remix old songs?" is constantly popping up, regarding todays genre of music. Hopefully, in years to come artists stop using older generation music and become more original with their talent. 

Photo Courtesy of


  1. Its becoming a normal trend now with music, and honestly its a bit disheartening. All these music artist who make music for a living and its like they really aren't making them anymore but just borrowing from others to make their own. I can't count how many times I have listened to something now, that I end up saying to myself "Why does it feel like I'v heard this somewhere before?" even though its my first time hearing this particular song. I also agree, these music artist need to make better use of the talents they have and make original things, instead of borrowing parts from the older generation of music.


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