New Society Technology

In today's generation, what we see/use is not how it was decades ago. The use of cell phones, computers, fax machines, etc. This is where the evolution of social media comes into play. Older Media vs. New Media. 

Old Media: 
- Television
- Radios 
- Newspaper
- Books 

New Media: 
- Iphones
- MacBooks 
- Ipads 

Can you tell the difference? In society today, there is such an easier way to communicate with others, in which makes our parents think to themselves all the time, how unfortunate it is that technology is even a thing. I sure know my parents are bothered on how many times they can watch me scroll down any social media platform.

In all of which helps the overall idea of communication. All of this innovations are just easier ways to talk to someone rather than in person. What will happen with futures to come? The world will only find out soon enough. 

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  1. Hello,
    I agree that technology is not the same from what it was several years ago as we have began to use it in our everyday lives in a variety of forms. Its mind boggling to think of how far we have come in such little time and I am curious to see what the future has in store and how we will implement technology even further into our lives. You did a great job on your post.


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