Wikipedia: trust worthy ????

Wikipedia: A free online encyclopedia, created and edited by volunteers around the world and hosted by the Wikimedia Foundation. ( But can one trust this site? Thats the question we all ask.

When dealing with online sites where one could receive information, most people would turn to Google to help them complete their research. What the coincidence is, is that when one searches something on Google, usually the first link to pop up is Wikipedia. The argument upon Wikipedia is still around today, dealing with the pros and cons of this specific website. This is where the idea of collaboration comes into hand. Anyone with internet access is able to edit and make changes to a page regarding that topic.

For people to come together and collaborate through a website, allows one to speak their mind. The expression "Singular work can play precursor to Collaboration" is expressed as a statement regarding online websites vs. collaboration vs. Wikipedia.

Over the years, one can start with a blank page on Wikipedia, having the world to write about. Of course its not perfect and all the facts aren't there, but thats where we come in. We have the capability to edit that blank page that was once there, and over the course of years allow it to have changes and become something it once wasn't. The internet is a powerful place and for one to be able to express their opinions and collaborate with others via research websites is a beautiful things and I hope that will continue on in the future to even something better.


  1. To me when it comes to Wikipedia, I think that the more sources that are compiled when it comes to the specific topic your looking up the more trustworthy the information is. If I need to find information on something and only see one source for the topic on wiki, I don't think I would want to use it due to the lack of "credibility". Now I am not saying that this is always the case, but its just how I feel about it. The positive side having people being able to collaborate on Wikipedia is that more sources will be added as time goes on raising the credibility of what your looking at.


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