
The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, prevents 24/7 free confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones and best practices for professionals (suicidepreventionlifelin.org). 

What caught my eye today in class, when we were discussing the use of the Suicide Prevention Hotline is how helpful one can actually be to a human beings life. It is crazy to think that when one is going through such pain and depression, one phone call allows someone to turn around their life for the better.

 In this crazy world we live in at the moment, all we see is hate against the world. When you think about it, if something were to happen within the United States, people wouldn't hate on that specific person they would start to pick at the world itself. Yes, of course that person clearly did something so wrong to have people against them, but we hear sayings such as "the world is such a horrible place", "what is going on in this world" Of course in situations like this, the world is a horrible place currently and the hate has every reason to be there. 

During all of these problems, we never step back to realize people. Yes, I said just people. Did you ever stop to think about the people around you, who you surround yourself with, if they are okay and stable in their lives? Most people who you ask that question to, would say "Yes, Im fine in my life". But are they, actually? 

No one knows what is going on in their lives, behind the scenes of reality. Their lives at home or relationship with parents/spouses. We always see the ok side of people when deep down we don't know how they really are. Of course, we don't think this of everyone, but for the people out there with problems in life, their lives are much different then ours. This is when the crazy part kicks in. For someone to call up a lifeline and have a professional talk to them, is just enough help. 
But for someone to call up and talk to someone normal, and for someone to just say to you "you are going to be okay" can change someones life for so much better. We dont realize this until one tells a story about it, but a simple conversation can help, no matter what situation you put yourself in. 

Photo Courtesy of Quora


  1. Hi Hannah, I think your blog has a very intriguing subject. Suicide hotlines are incredibly helpful because there are people who don't want to talk about their problems with people they know or with a psychiatrist. There's one thing that we do know about suicide hotlines, and that is the fact that the hotlines have actually saved people's lives. If that's not an important enough subject to write about, I don't know what is.


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