Gaming 101

When looking over the article from class "Can a video game company tame toxic behaviour?"by Brandon Maher it reminded me a lot of past conversations my mother has gone over with my brother. As a kid, I have grown up with a younger brother who is constantly playing video games. The worry of the profanity used within these games is something my mother was always concerned about when my 11 year old brother would play these games. In the article they claim the statement "Players harass one another for not performing well and can cheat, sabotage games and do any number of things to intentionally ruin the experience for others — a practice that gamers refer to as griefing." (Maher). With this being said, the violence and words used in video games is a concept that should be changed in order for all ages to play. This will allow a bigger intake of users to purchase the games, which would help in profit. Now that my brother is older and has a better understanding for video games as a whole, he can look back at how concerned my brother used to be. I feel as if video games have evolved from what they used to be in terms of content that is being used.

Photo Courtesy: The Odessey 


  1. Hey there Bella!
    I love that you applied this to your life and put it into perspective via your eyes. I do believe that a lot of games that kids like to play are usually violent or somewhat graphic (whether it be words, visuals, etc.). It sucks that there are things like rated R, yet kids can still get ahold of these games and can sometimes see them as a reality if they're not frequently reminded that the games don't represent any part of real life.

    Great perspective!


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