Teen Suicide

In our class, we were assigned a Collaborative Project 2, in which includes a video as well as presentation. My groups topic is teen suicide. A touchy subject but one that is able for people of all ages to understand it and understand the affects that come along with it. My group has worked together before so when it comes to roles throughout the project, it will be evenly distributed for jobs. This specific topic will allow us to have a better understand and give a presentation for all to open their eyes and realize this situation that occurs everyday. As teen suicide is a highly discussed topic in today's generation, this topic will be something that includes a lot of data research as well as interviews and opinions through others. I am very excited to work through collaborations to find out more on this subject. According to kidsheatlh.com "The tragedy of a young person dying because of overwhelming hopelessness or frustration is devastating to family, friends, and community. Parents, siblings, classmates, coaches, and neighbors might be left wondering if they could have done something to prevent that young person from turning to suicide" (kidsheatlh.com). 

Photo Courtesy: Pageonekentucky.com


  1. Suicide in general is a touchy subject to discuss, especially when it leaves others wondering what went wrong and if they could of prevented it. I suppose there could be different remedies for teen suicides vs. other suicide situations so I look forward to seeing how your group approaches teen suicide and if the understandings that you guys come to are things that can only be applied to teen suicides. Is good to hear that your same group from project one worked out and wants to do another project. Good Luck!


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