
Final Blog Post

Recently changing my major from Communications to Esociety, I was very intrigued going into this class to learn about ESOC 211. I was slightly nervous to say the least, but now looking back at an overview of the semester, I am able to proudly say I have learned an immense amount about this course. Being that I am interested in anything within relations to digital/social media, this allowed me to learn further in depth about how collaborations are able to be created in order to form something. I have always been a huge fan of team work, which is why making collaborative projects with groups, being that out group stayed the same both times so we worked well together, was an assignment I loved to complete. Personally, I believe my progress throughout this course has only gone up from the beginning, as I was new to the major and the core classes as well as subjects within the course.I was new to the whole blogging experience which also allowed myself to open up as I talked about certain su

Country Music and Suicide

One could look at country music and not understand the correlation between this genre and suicide. But when one looks deeper into the themes that arise within the songs, the constant theme of alcohol consumption, gun usage, divorce, difficult life situations, etc. A common use of divorce is displayed throughout various song lyrics performed by artists. Music is highly known as affecting peoples psychological moods, in which extends the audience to a greater amount of people. Music is seen as a way of letting people relate to the lyrics sung by the artist. Country's subculture goes a long way of common themes. The audience geared towards this specific genre is statistically known to be urban white communities. Although other people might enjoy this music, a specific audience could break down to be the divorced population. With this being said and so zoomed in on, is because the rates are so high and not really statistics one would look at to be increasing so much. Looking at the lyr

Collaboration in Hospitals, I think so

(This is my makeup blog post from Nov. 2)  Last weekend a situation occurred where I resulted in the hospital. Due to this, I learned a lot from my time being there. Not only do I now know EVERYTHING about medical terms and medicine but I am more aware of the standings the workers have in their office space. You never really put in perspective how hard working each member of the hospital is and with how much hospitality they treat you.  As I was sitting there for the various days, it was presented to my attention that I noticed the slight bit of collaboration used within the work space. For example, I had a nurse with me at all times and if a problem rose with me, she reported to the internal doctor team in order to get the correct medical attention I needed. You never really think about how in everyday life, one is able to see the use of collaboration. Even if it is for tiny situations, it can affect a situation in such a positive way. It is a sense of coming together to make any

Teen Suicide

In our class, we were assigned a Collaborative Project 2, in which includes a video as well as presentation. My groups topic is teen suicide. A touchy subject but one that is able for people of all ages to understand it and understand the affects that come along with it. My group has worked together before so when it comes to roles throughout the project, it will be evenly distributed for jobs. This specific topic will allow us to have a better understand and give a presentation for all to open their eyes and realize this situation that occurs everyday. As teen suicide is a highly discussed topic in today's generation, this topic will be something that includes a lot of data research as well as interviews and opinions through others. I am very excited to work through collaborations to find out more on this subject. According to " The tragedy of a young person dying because of overwhelming hopelessness or frustration is devastating to family, friends, and communi

Gaming 101

When looking over the article from class "Can a video game company tame toxic behaviour?"by Brandon Maher it reminded me a lot of past conversations my mother has gone over with my brother. As a kid, I have grown up with a younger brother who is constantly playing video games. The worry of the profanity used within these games is something my mother was always concerned about when my 11 year old brother would play these games. In the article they claim the statement " Players harass one another for not performing well and can cheat, sabotage games and do any number of things to intentionally ruin the experience for others — a practice that gamers refer to as griefing." (Maher). With this being said, the violence and words used in video games is a concept that should be changed in order for all ages to play. This will allow a bigger intake of users to purchase the games, which would help in profit. Now that my brother is older and has a better understanding for video

New Society Technology

In today's generation, what we see/use is not how it was decades ago. The use of cell phones, computers, fax machines, etc. This is where the evolution of social media comes into play. Older Media vs. New Media.  Old Media:  - Television - Radios  - Newspaper - Books  New Media:  - Iphones - MacBooks  - Ipads  Can you tell the difference? In society today, there is such an easier way to communicate with others, in which makes our parents think to themselves all the time, how unfortunate it is that technology is even a thing. I sure know my parents are bothered on how many times they can watch me scroll down any social media platform. In all of which helps the overall idea of communication. All of this innovations are just easier ways to talk to someone rather than in person. What will happen with futures to come? The world will only find out soon enough.  Photo Courtesy of:


Throughout the past few weeks, as a class, we separated into our groups and have been working on our collaboration projects. For these projects we incorporated situations, movies or anything that correlates with Tuckman's 5 Stages of Group Development. For example, my group worked on the Disney movie "Cool Running's". We as a group sat down, using the 5 stages forming, storming, norming, performing and adjourning and picked out specific clips from the film. This really helped with the understanding of the 5 stages and how it is seen in everyday life. I now am able to put two and two together in certain everyday life situations when wanting to piece the 5 stages of group development to it. Photo Courtesy of